Lawyer A. Lina Sami Tayyeb visited the association and met with a member of the Board of Directors.


Lawyer A. Lina Sami Tayyeb visited the association and met with the Board of Directors member, Mr. Muhammad Abu Malha, in the presence of the family advisor, Mr. Nihad Al-Imam… During the meeting, aspects of cooperation between the two sides were discussed in the field of providing legal consultations to the association’s employees, families, and orphans who benefit from its services.

A team from the ” Creativity Ladders” Foundation, led by Dr.Mansour Abdel Aziz Al-Dajani, visited Al-Bir Society in Jeddah and met with Board of Directors member Mr. Muhammad Abu Malha and several association officials. During the meeting, a number of initiatives benefiting  the association’s beneficiaries were discussed, including establishing a sewing factory, implementing a data management system, and a program to reward and motivate distinguished individuals.

These visits embody a sense of social responsibility, and a commitment to providing everything that would strengthens the social work system, supporting  the association’s programs and services aimed at empowering and sustaining  charitable work, and facilitating access to services that leave a positive, sustainable impact on society.

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